Etiologi resesi gingiva pdf file

Bleeding gums can be a sign that you are at risk for, or already have, gum disease. Gingival structure, function, and the latest research. Jan 15, 2015 chapter 7 localised gingival ulceration aim. Gingival diseases of fungal origin long term use of antibiotics the use of topical corticosteroides under prosthetic appliances decreased salivary flow increased salivary glucose hiv linear gingival ereythema candidiasis and candida albicans. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Additional instructions and trouble shooting are included with the game. Assessment of the width of attached gingiva using different methods in various age groups. Hormon reproduksi wanita hormon adalah zat kimia pembawa pesan yang bekerja di dalam tubuh. Trauma oklusi dan hubungannya dengan penyakit periodontal. The insertion is made with a small surgical procedure, where the mucosa covering the implant is lifted aside. Produk bakteri plak menyebabkan differensiasi sel progenitor tulang menjadi osteoklas dan menstimulasi sel gingiva untuk. The clinical width of attached gingiva is determined by.

Puluhan hormon yang terdiri dari struktur mt kimia itu saling bekerja sama mengatur fungsi tubuh. The gingival margin f is the most coronal point of the gingiva, depicted as the zenith of the pink hill in this diagram. Desensitisasi gigi pdf kode icd 10penyakit gigi dan mulut no kode icd 10 nama penyakit diagnosa no kode icd tooth paste or mouthwash which is. Gingiva definition of gingiva by the free dictionary. Resorpsi sementum dapat disebabkan karena stres oklusal yang berlebihan, gerakan ortodonti, tekanan tumor, dan defisiensi kalsium atau vitamin d. Acute streptococcal gingivitis is a rare condition characterised by a diffuse erythema of the gingiva and the pathogenesis and prognosis of this oral disease is different from routine plaqueassociated gingivitis.

A clinical study gouri bhatia 1, ashish kumar 2, manish khatri 2, mansi bansal 2, sameer saxena 2 1 department of periodontology, eklavya dental college, kotputli, jaipur, rajasthan, india 2 department of periodontology, institute of dental studies and technologies, modinagar. Gingival description dentistry 104 with clossen at. Gambaran umum pada kasus gingivitis akut adalah epitelium yang nekrotik, erosi atau ulserasi dan eritema, sedangkan pada kasus gingivitis kronis terjadi dalam bentuk resesi gingiva. Explanations are useful to guide through learning process and confirm that the correct answer is indeed correct. Assessment of the width of attached gingiva using different. Lesi karena termal dapat berasal dari makanan dan minuman yang panas. Users can purchase an ebook on diskette or cd, but the most popular method of getting an ebook is to purchase a downloadable file of the ebook or other reading material from a web site such as barnes and noble to be read from the users computer or reading device. However, persistent gum bleeding may be due to serious medical conditions such as leukemia and bleeding and platelet disorders. The anatomy and physiology of the healthy periodontium 7 when a periodontal probe is placed into this space, a measure may be recorded which is very useful for diagnosis. Jun 11, 20 a clinical diagnosis of peripheral compound odontoma erupting in the gingiva was made. Desquamative gingivitis treated by an antioxidant therapy. Cancer of the gingiva is a rare disease in the western world. Gingival blood supply definition of gingival blood supply.

Recession is an exposure of the root surface and an apical shift of the gingival position. Inflamasi gingiva, infeksi bakteri, kerusakan tulang alveolar, dan. Erythematous gingiva with loss of stippling, extending apically from the gingival margins to the alveolar mucosa is a frequent observation. To the left lies the sulcular epithelium within the gingival sulcus g, and to the right lies the oral epithelium e. It can be displaced and is not bound directly to the tooth or bone. The aim of this chapter is to detail those clinical entities that may present as a single or isolated discrete area of ulceration on the gingiva, as opposed to more widespread or multiple areas of ulceration. Kerusakan jaringan gingiva yang sering terjadi adalah resesi gingiva. Desquamation of the gingiva usually occurs as a result of. Retractable gingiva a thorough examination of the gingiva includes evaluation of color, size, shape form or contour, consistency, surface texture, position of the gingival margin and junctional epithelium, mucogingival junctions, bleeding and exudate. A continuing concern in classi fication is whether to include only diseases that have primary manifestation and etiology in the periodon. Evaluasi sifat mekanis komposit gingiva buatan sendiri dengan filler hasil sintesjs sistem si02 winggunakan teknik solgel dan dicoating satu zulia hasratiningsih, veni takarini, yanwar faza, muhammad kindi alfarabi, nina djustiana. Attached gingiva continous with the marginal gingiva. Desquamation of the gingiva usually occurs as a result of a developmental abnormality benign neoplasia inflammation normal cell turnover.

The compound odontoma was surgically removed, and no bony erosion beneath the tumor was detected figure 2ac. Feb 01, 2017 attached gingiva continous with the marginal gingiva. The clinical width of attached gingiva is determined by measuring the distance from the free gingival margin to the mucogingival line free gingival margin to the mucogingival line plus the periodontal pocket depth free gingival margin to the mucogingival line minus the. The contents of this glossary is funded in part through a subaward from rti as the lead partner for the national institute of justices forensic technology center of excellence through a cooperative agreement from the national institute of justice 2011dnbxk564 and 2016mubkk110, office of justice programs, u.

Ranney introduction the term periodontal diseases has had somewhat dif fering connotations over time, as discussed by loe in the preceding chapter. Meskipun etiologi ras belum dipahami dengan baik, faktorfaktor predisposisi genetik dan diangkat ras menghilang tanpa pernah karnbuh lagi. Desquamative gingivitis is a fairly common disorder in which the gingiva is desquamated. The gingiva former may also be shaped as a temporary abutment that functions as a buildup and can support a temporary plastic crown in the healing process. Gingival structure, function, and the latest research february 1, 2016 by lifeline cell technology the gingiva or gums is the tissue that surrounds and protects the teeth and underlying bone. Clinica gingiva is a member of vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. The attached gums are continuous with the marginal gum. Gingival blood supply definition of gingival blood. A gingiva former is inserted temporarily in the implant and sticks up through the mucosa the gums. Mekanisme kerusakan tulang faktor yang terlibat dalam kerusakan tulang pada penyakit periodontal adalah bakteri dan host. Desensitisasi gigi pdf kode icd 10penyakit gigi dan mulut no kode icd 10 nama penyakit diagnosa no kode icd tooth paste or mouthwash which is added by desensitizing agent. The marginal gingiva is stabilized by the gingival fibers that have no bony support.

The absence of the left first premolar was also observed. It rises from blood vessels that pass along the outer periosteum of bone and anastomose with vessels of the periodontal membrane as well as intraalveolar blood vessels. Download as pptx, pdf, txt or read online from scribd. The gingival margin, or free gingival crest, at the most superficial part of the marginal gingiva, is also easily seen clinically, and its location should be recorded on a patients chart. The physiologic explanations for these signs appear in table i. Prinsip dasar perawatan resesi gingiva 97 resiko yang sama.

A clinical study gouri bhatia 1, ashish kumar 2, manish khatri 2, mansi bansal 2, sameer saxena 2. The gingiva former is normally inserted when the biointegration of the implants in the bone is complete or almost complete. Gingival line definition of gingival line by medical dictionary. Orthodontic treatment is able to prevent recession and even contribute to its treatment, with or without periodontal approach, depending on the type and severity of gingival tissue damage. Peripheral compound odontoma erupting in the gingiva. A longitudinal evaluation of varying widths of attached. Chronic soreness is commonly seen and intake of spicy foods may further worsen the condition.

Gingival margin is 1 to 2 mm above cej marginal gingivae is knife edge, flat and fall is a current line around the tooth and fits snugly around the tooth. The clinical width of attached gingiva is determined by measuring the distance from the free gingival margin to the mucogingival line free gingival margin to the mucogingival line plus the periodontal pocket depth free gingival margin to the mucogingival line minus the periodontal pocket depth. The gingiva is attached to the tooth, forming a seal that protects the underlying bone and helps provide a barrier against infection. It is important to be patient in this part of the implant treatment. A longitudinal evaluation of varying widths of attached gingiva. Good oral hygiene keeps this seal intact, while bad oral. These were exposed in the anterior left gingiva between the permanent. Gingival recession has direct causes and predisposing factors. The gum around the gingiva former must have time to become fully developed before an impression can be made. Because of its rarity, the reporting on the disease is sparse and often grouped with. During the intraoral examination, seven small toothlike structures were found. It is generally accepted that periodontitis is initiated. Secara klinis, resesi gingiva adalah terbukanya permukaan akar gigi akibat dari pergeseran marginal gingiva ke arah apikal menjauhi cementenamel junction cej.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan tingkat keparahan resesi gingiva antara masyarakat dataran. Apr 04, 2016 gingival recession has direct causes and predisposing factors. Gingival line definition of gingival line by medical. A 15yearold girl presented with denticles on the gingiva. The gingiva or gums is the tissue that surrounds and protects the teeth and underlying bone. Peripheral odontoma arising in the extraosseous soft tissues is rare and if not removed early, may enlarge over time and eventually erupt in the oral cavity. Other signs of inflammation include fever, leukocytosis or an increase in the number of circulating white blood cells, the presence of acutephase proteins including creactive pro.

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